To file a trademark registration application in Puerto Rico, the following is necessary:

Create an account in the Online Trademark and Trade Name Registry System

the applicant must access the Online Trademark and Trade Name Registration System page to create an account.

Trademark owner information
  • An application for registration must include the name of the owner of a trademark. This can be a natural or legal person. In the case of legal entities, it must be indicated if it is an entity registered in or outside of Puerto Rico and the country or state of incorporation.
  • Information on the physical and postal address must be included.
  • Contact telephone number.
  • Only the owner of the trademark in the case of natural persons or an attorney admitted to practice in Puerto Rico may file trademark registration applications in Puerto Rico.
  • In cases where an owner is a legal entity registered in Puerto Rico, the representatives may be an officer of the corporation who must provide a corporate resolution that demonstrates their authorization to file the trademark application, or an attorney admitted to practice in Puerto Rico.
  • In cases where an owner is a foreign legal entity, the only representatives allowed to file trademark applications can only be attorneys admitted to practice in Puerto Rico.
Type of Mark
  • In Puerto Rico, only the registration of words, names, symbols, images, or trade dress, logo, design, color, sound, smell, shape, object, or a combination of these is allowed.
  • In Puerto Rico, only one application for registration per trademark and per international class is allowed.
  • The applicant must submit an individual registration application for each word, name, symbol, image or trade dress, logo, design, color, sound, smell, shape, object, or combination of these for which it seeks protection.
  • If an applicant wishes to protect more than one international class, he must submit an individual application for each one of the classes that are intended to be protected for each trademark.
  • For design marks and trade dresses, a detailed description of all the elements must be provided, including the colors if they are intended to be claimed as part of the mark.
International Class and description of Goods or Services
  • All trademark registration applications must identify the Nice Classification to which the goods or services belong.
  • The description of goods or services must be in the correct international class and must be detailed and specific.
Basis of Use
  • In Puerto Rico, both trademarks with use in the Commerce of Puerto Rico and trademarks intended for future use in the Commerce of Puerto Rico may be registered.
  • In the case of registration applications for trademarks currently being used in the Commerce of Puerto Rico, these must include the complete date (mm/dd/year) in which the trademark began to be used in the Commerce of Puerto Rico and a specimen that evidence the use of the mark in commerce.
  • In the case of registration applications for trademarks intended for future use, the applicant must submit a declaration of first use together with a specimen that evidences the use of the mark in the Commerce of Puerto Rico within a period not exceeding three (3) years from the filing date of the trademark registration application.

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